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posted 2014-06-26 17:30:36 +0200

[Jolla Launcher] Problems Encountered

First thing to note is that I am using a Nexus 5 running 4.4.2 rooted, and a custom rom. I have disabled the navigation bar in favour of "pie controls", and forcing immersive mode, allowing full screen real-estate, and have a pattern lock for the lockscreen.

  • pressing back button from an app to go back to the launcher, removes the app cover from the main page, when in fact its just minimised. (Happens everytime)
  • If an app has a persistent notification and a main app to run, two app covers are shown (an example of this is Steam).
  • At the end of the app drawer, if I long press on empty space, the app names are removed (just the app icons are shown), I'm assuming this is how you uninstall apps, but it is not mentioned in the tutorial.
  • If you're using an app when you lock the phone. After I unlock, the sailfish unlock screen is skipped and goes directly back to the app.
  • The network signal seems to be incorrect, on the status bar (from Android) it fluctuates between 3 - full bars, where on the launcher it fluctuates between 1 and 2 bars. The Wifi, and the battery levels are fine however.

Peek and the back gesture work perfectly fine.

[Jolla Launcher] Problems Encountered

First thing to note is that I am using a Nexus 5 running 4.4.2 rooted, and a custom rom. I have disabled the navigation bar in favour of "pie controls", and forcing immersive mode, allowing full screen real-estate, and have a pattern lock for the lockscreen.

  • pressing back button from an app to go back to the launcher, removes the app cover from the main page, when in fact its just minimised. (Happens everytime)
  • If an app has a persistent notification and a main app to run, two app covers are shown (an example of this is Steam).
  • At the end of the app drawer, if I long press on empty space, the app names are removed (just the app icons are shown), I'm assuming this is how you uninstall apps, but it is not mentioned in the tutorial.
  • If you're using an app when you lock the phone. After I unlock, the sailfish unlock screen is skipped and goes directly back to the app.
  • The network signal seems to be incorrect, on the status bar (from Android) it fluctuates between 3 - full bars, where on the launcher it fluctuates between 1 and 2 bars. The Wifi, and the battery levels are fine however.
  • EDIT:At the end of the app drawer, if I long press on empty space, the app names are removed (just the app icons are shown),re-arranges apps, but it is not mentioned in the tutorial.
  • There doesn't seem to be a way to uninstall apps, as far as I can make out.

Peek and the back gesture work perfectly fine.