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posted 2014-07-15 19:36:43 +0200

[Feature-request] On Device Voicemail

Using the networks voicemail is frankly archaic, having to call the number and navigate via the voice menu to manage and listen to voicemails is a pain. Why not use the phones storage instead?

Instead of using the mobile providers service, the phone answers and records the call, as well as a menu to view/play/delete/set greeting .etc. Not sure if best suited for App or native feature in the dialler.

AFAIK no currently available smartphone does this, so this would be a unique feature for the Jolla

[Feature-request] On Device Voicemail

Using the networks voicemail is frankly archaic, having to call the number and navigate via the voice menu to manage and listen to voicemails is a pain. Why not use the phones storage instead?

Instead of using the mobile providers service, the phone answers and records the call, as well as a menu to view/play/delete/set greeting .etc. Not sure if best suited for App or native feature in the dialler.

This might upset carriers as it replaces a service they offer (and often charge to listen to voicemails)

AFAIK no currently available smartphone does this, so this would be a unique feature for the Jolla

[Feature-request] On Device Voicemail

Using the networks voicemail is frankly archaic, having to call the number and navigate via the voice menu to manage and listen to voicemails is a pain. Why not use the phones storage instead?

Instead of using the mobile providers service, the phone answers and records the call, as well as a menu to view/play/delete/set greeting .etc. Not sure if best suited for App or native feature in the dialler.

This might upset carriers as it replaces a service they offer (and often charge to listen to voicemails)

AFAIK no currently available smartphone does this, so this would be a unique feature for the Jolla