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posted 2014-07-21 04:11:04 +0200

Weird pitch black android app starting by itself

I have a weird problem with my Jolla. Constantly an empty black android-app starts by itself. While minimized, it has a big circle with an X on it, the same when you close an app while using it. It seemed to appear the same time my browser started crashing. Restarting Jolla didn't help.

Well, while typing this and reading you should just wait before pressing anything on browser to stop it from crashing, this issue disappeared as well.

Weird pitch black android app starting by itself

I have a weird problem with my Jolla. Constantly an empty black android-app starts by itself. While minimized, it has a big circle with an X on it, the same when you close an app while using it. It seemed to appear the same time my browser started crashing. Restarting Jolla didn't help.

Well, while typing this and reading you should just wait before pressing anything on browser to stop it from crashing, this issue disappeared as well.