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posted 2014-08-01 04:58:45 +0200

Wrong position of underline with custom fonts

After setting up a custom Chinese font, the position of underline in some widgets is much higher than expected if there are Chinese chars in the same line.

The problem occurrs at the widgets for message composing, mail composing, notes, tweetian... while not at those for message display, mail headlines, etc.

Two images are appended. The custom font used is Noto Sans (Source Hans Sans).


not okay

Wrong position of underline with custom fonts

After setting up a custom Chinese font, the position of underline in some widgets is much higher than expected if there are Chinese chars in the same line.

The problem occurrs at the widgets for message composing, mail composing, notes, tweetian... while not at those for message display, mail headlines, etc.

Two images are appended. The custom font used is Noto Sans (Source Hans Sans).

okayokay here

not okaybad here

Wrong position of underline with custom fonts

After setting up a custom Chinese font, the position of underline in some widgets is much higher than expected if there are Chinese chars in the same line.

The problem occurrs at the widgets for message composing, mail composing, notes, tweetian... while not at those for message display, mail headlines, etc.

Two images are appended. The custom font used is Noto Sans (Source Hans Sans).

okay here

bad here

Wrong position of underline with custom fonts

After setting up a custom font, the position of underline in some widgets is much higher than expected if there are Chinese chars in the same line.line. In the other hand the whole line of text appear lower than the original position if a Chinese char is typed.

The problem occurrs at the widgets for message composing, mail composing, notes, tweetian... while not at those for message display, mail headlines, etc.

Two images are appended. The custom font used is Noto Sans (Source Hans Sans).

okay here

bad here

Wrong position of underline with custom fonts

After setting up a custom font, the position of underline in some widgets is much higher than expected if there are Chinese double-bytes (CJK) chars in the same line. In the other hand the whole line of text appear lower than the original position if a Chinese char is typed.

The problem occurrs at the widgets for message composing, mail composing, notes, tweetian... while not at those for message display, mail headlines, etc.

Two images are appended. The custom font used is Noto Sans (Source Hans Sans).Sans), other fonts (Hiragino Sans, STHeiti) have also been tested, only the stock wqy-zenhei works fine.

okay here

bad here

Wrong position of underline with custom fonts

After setting up a custom font, the position of underline in some widgets is much higher than expected if there are double-bytes (CJK) chars in the same line. In the other hand the whole line of text appear lower than the original position if a Chinese char is typed.

The problem occurrs at the widgets for message composing, mail composing, notes, tweetian... while not at those for message display, mail headlines, etc.

Two images are appended. The custom font used is Noto Sans (Source Hans Han Sans), other fonts (Hiragino Sans, STHeiti) have also been tested, only the stock wqy-zenhei works fine.

okay here

bad here