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posted 2014-08-02 12:38:27 +0300

Browser needs fade out time for navigation bar

There are webpages that can not be seen correctly, because the bottom navigation bar is always on top, and can not be removed. If I scroll down, it disappears, but then I can not see the top of the webpage, if I scroll up, then it appears, and I can not see the bottom of the page.

Browser needs fade out time for navigation bar

There are webpages that can not be seen correctly, because the bottom navigation bar is always on top, and can not be removed. If I scroll down, it disappears, but then I can not see the top of the webpage, if I scroll up, then it appears, and I can not see the bottom of the page.

Browser needs fade out time for navigation bar

There are webpages that can not be seen correctly, because the bottom navigation bar is always on top, and can not be removed. If I scroll down, it disappears, but then I can not see the top of the webpage, if I scroll up, then it appears, and I can not see the bottom of the page.

Browser needs fade out time for navigation bar

There are webpages that can not be seen correctly, because the bottom navigation bar is always on top, and can not be removed. If I scroll down, it disappears, but then I can not see the top of the webpage, if I scroll up, then it appears, and I can not see the bottom of the page.

Browser needs fade out time for navigation bar

There are webpages that can not be seen correctly, because the bottom navigation bar is always on top, and can not be removed. If I scroll down, it disappears, but then I can not see the top of the webpage, if I scroll up, then it appears, and I can not see the bottom of the page.