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posted 2013-12-29 00:58:22 +0200

Neo gravatar image

See event reminder in default calendar view

If a calender event has a reminder, it is not shown on the default calendar view (upper half - month, lower half - day). The reminder is displayed (as a bell icon) only when the event is tapped and seen in the next, separate screen.

See event Event reminder not showing in default calendar view

If a calender event has a reminder, it is not shown on the default calendar view (upper half - month, lower half - day). The reminder is displayed (as a bell icon) only when the event is tapped and seen in the next, separate screen.

Event Calendar event reminder not showing in default calendar view

If a calender event has a reminder, it is not shown on the default calendar view (upper half - month, lower half - day). The reminder is displayed (as a bell icon) only when the event is tapped and seen in the next, separate screen.

Calendar event reminder not showing in default calendar view

If a calender event has a reminder, it is not shown on the default calendar view (upper half - month, lower half - day).

The reminder is displayed (as a bell icon) only when the event is tapped and seen in the next, separate screen.

Calendar event reminder not showing in default calendar view

If a calender event has a reminder, it is not shown on the default calendar view (upper half - month, lower half - day).

The reminder is displayed (as a bell icon) only when the event is tapped on and seen in the next, separate screen.

Calendar event reminder and recurrence icons not showing in default calendar view

If a calender event has a reminder, it is not shown on the default calendar view (upper half - month, lower half - day).

The reminder is displayed (as a bell icon) only when the event is tapped on and seen in the next, separate detail event screen.

Also the recurrence icon is not shown on the default/main calendar view but in detail screen.

Calendar event reminder and recurrence icons not showing in default calendar view

If a calender event has a reminder, it is not shown on the default calendar view (upper half - month, lower half - day).

The reminder is displayed (as a bell icon) only when the event is tapped on and seen in the detail event screen.

Also the recurrence icon is not shown on the default/main calendar view but in detail screen.