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posted 2014-08-26 00:05:45 +0200

Importing QML plugin


i wrote two c++ classes I want to load into my project als QML plugins. When I run the rpm validator I get the error import 'className 1.0' is not allowed and a link to the FAQ page. I read the section three times but I just do not understand what they try to tell me. I renamed the files to harbour.myAppName.className.cpp but that did not do the trick. So what are they trying to tell me?


Importing QML plugin


i wrote two c++ classes I want to load into my project als QML plugins. When I run the rpm validator I get the error import 'className 1.0' is not allowed and a link to the FAQ page. I read the section three times but I just do not understand what they try to tell me. I renamed the files to harbour.myAppName.className.cpp but that did not do the trick. So what are they trying to tell me?


Importing QML plugin


i wrote two c++ classes I want to load into my project als QML plugins. When I run the rpm validator I get the error import 'className 1.0' is not allowed and a link to the FAQ page. I read the section three times but I just do not understand what they try to tell me. I renamed the files to harbour.myAppName.className.cpp but that did not do the trick. So what are they trying to tell me?
