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posted 2014-08-30 12:59:59 +0200

Is it possible to use Internet only manually on SailfishOS?

It's something that is decisive to my even considering buying a Jolla: can one use the Internet connection only manually?

Fully manually means: the device never scans for WiFi (even when on mobile internet), never connects without my consent (both to WLAN/3G), if internet connection is needed I'm shown a dialog to choose a network. This can be done on N900 and, to some extent, on N9(50)

Is it possible to use Internet only manually on SailfishOS?

It's something that is decisive to my even considering buying a Jolla: can one use the Internet connection only manually?

Fully manually means: the device never scans for WiFi (even when on mobile internet), never connects without my consent (both to WLAN/3G), if internet connection is needed I'm shown a dialog to choose a network. This can be done on N900 and, to some extent, on N9(50)