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posted 2014-09-14 21:23:55 +0200

Server-side IMAP search for mails

Searching through an email account would be a great feature to add. The search should be conducted on the server side, so matching mails can be downloaded on demand and don't have to be all stored locally.

Server-side IMAP search for mails

Searching through an email account would be a great feature to add. The search should be conducted on the server side, so matching mails can be downloaded on demand and don't have to be all stored locally.

Server-side IMAP search for mails

Searching through an email account would be a great feature to add. The search should be conducted on the server side, so matching mails can be downloaded on demand and don't have to be all stored locally.

Server-side IMAP search for mails

Searching through an email account would be a great feature to add. The search should be conducted on the server side, so matching mails can be downloaded on demand and don't have to be all stored locally.