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posted 2014-09-28 03:15:12 +0200

Hindi characters are not being displayed

There is a problem I dont get any Hindi characters on my Jolla both in facebook and twitter. In other android tablets/phones these characters are being displayed correctly, How do I solve this issue ?

Hindi characters are not being displayed

There is a problem I dont get any Hindi characters on my Jolla both in facebook and twitter. In other android tablets/phones these characters are being displayed correctly, How do I solve this issue ?

Hindi / Indian characters are not being displayed

There is a problem I dont get any Hindi characters on my Jolla both in facebook and twitter. In other android tablets/phones these characters are being displayed correctly, How do I solve this issue ?

Edit: Hope when new Intex phones are launched, we will have better support for vernacular languages (Hindi, tamil, telugu, etc) here.