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posted 2014-10-03 17:00:58 +0200

Is somewhere any wish list of next Jolla updates?

I know that I'm probably mixing the topisc but is somewhere any wish list for next Jolla updates? I've done my short personal wishes what will I expect in the next update (or the next one after next :-))

I will appreciate this things: - separate images in gallery app by folders on card - add world clock option in clock app - add option which contacts (from what account) should I see in the phone (FB, Google, Twitter...) - character counter in SMS app - search option in emails and messages (SMS, Facebook etc.) - more vibration styles - better shuffle mixing of the songs (I have 20 gigs of music and it always plays just a few bands)

What do you mean? Good points?

Is somewhere any wish list of next Jolla updates?

I know that I'm probably mixing the topisc but is somewhere any wish list for next Jolla updates? I've done my short personal wishes what will I expect in the next update (or the next one after next :-))

I will appreciate this things: - separate images in gallery app by folders on card - add world clock option in clock app - add option which contacts (from what account) should I see in the phone (FB, Google, Twitter...) - character counter in SMS app - search option in emails and messages (SMS, Facebook etc.) - more vibration styles - better shuffle mixing of the songs (I have 20 gigs of music and it always plays just a few bands)

What do you mean? Good points?