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posted 2014-10-21 16:05:33 +0200

service center available in india??

please provide service centre list or else place where i can repair my jolla which stuck on bootloop tried recovry etc but nothing worked..

service Jolla Service center available details in india??India

please Please provide service centre list or else place where i can repair my jolla which stuck on bootloop tried recovry recoevry etc but nothing worked..

Update: Am reopening the question till we get a list of adrresses / conattc details in Address.

"We're working on it" is not an answer that suffices to close the question...

Jolla Service center details in India

Please provide service centre list or else place where i can repair my jolla which stuck on bootloop tried recoevry etc but nothing worked..


Am reopening the question and would like to keep this open till we get a list of adrresses addresses / conattc conact details in Address. for service centers.

Appreciate "We're working on it" it" prompt response but it is not an answer that suffices to close the question...