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posted 2014-10-28 23:25:46 +0200

Turning off alarm (half asleep) is too easy

After some months of using my Jolla as alarm clock, my index finger has learnt very well to turn off the alarm without me looking at the display, even when I am still half asleep. I think it is just too easy: as soon as the hand has located the phone, it is just a tiny drag to turn it off, anywhere on the display. This can bear two problems

  • turning off alarm before really awake and falling asleep again
  • phone not oriented as expected, thus turning off alarm when actually wanting to snooze it

I am not someone who needs to do a math calculation to wake up, but I would prefer if it was a bit harder. E.g. having to look at the user interface (and thus the current time) to operate the alarm controls. E.g. Sony's horizontal slider has always worked fine for me.

Turning off alarm (half asleep) is too easy

After some months of using my Jolla as alarm clock, my index finger has learnt very well to turn off the alarm without me looking at the display, even when I am still half asleep. I think it is just too easy: as soon as the hand has located the phone, it is just a tiny drag to turn it off, anywhere on the display. This can bear two problems

  • turning off alarm before really awake and falling asleep again
  • phone not oriented as expected, thus turning off alarm when actually wanting to snooze itit (related: Alarm clock: Alarm unintuitive)

I am not someone who needs to do a math calculation to wake up, but I would prefer if it was a bit harder. E.g. having to look at the user interface (and thus the current time) to operate the alarm controls. E.g. Sony's horizontal slider has always worked fine for me.