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posted 2014-11-05 10:08:46 +0200

Jollatogether app usability and negative karma

Hi, I must have accidentally down-voted a topic. I often use jollatogether app on my Jolla. It is not the most user friendly application, so accidents will happen.

I'm not actually concerned by missing a few karma points. What bothers me is that I give a totally wrong signal to other users. My sincere apologies, fellow contributors. It looks that I'm not able to correct my mistake.

Jollatogether app usability and negative karma

Hi, I must have accidentally down-voted a topic. I often use jollatogether app on my Jolla. It is not the most user friendly application, so accidents will happen.

I'm not actually concerned by missing a few karma points. What bothers me is that I give a totally wrong signal to other users. My sincere apologies, fellow contributors. It looks that I'm not able to correct my mistake.

Jollatogether app usability and negative karma

Hi, I must have accidentally down-voted a topic. I often use jollatogether app on my Jolla. It is not the most user friendly application, so accidents will happen.

I'm not actually concerned by missing a few karma points. What bothers me is that I give a totally wrong signal to other users. My sincere apologies, fellow contributors. It looks that I'm not able to correct my mistake.