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posted 2013-12-30 00:52:52 +0300

Android apps close unexpectedly

I experienced this quite often - android apps tend to close themselves unexpectedly. Typically the process is:

  1. Start android app
  2. Use the app
  3. After some time the app closes itself (often, not always; not related to anything I do in the app)
  4. Immediately after a close has occured I can't start the app (neither any other android app) again - it says the app is loading but then the "loading" window closes and app is never started
  5. After a while I can start the app

I tried few apps and each of them sufferred from this. The apps were: Barclays, LiveScores, GooglePlay Store, Whatsapp, Dune II.

What's more, Dune II managed to completly crash the whole device - random artifacts on the screen and after few seconds device just rebooted.

Are those common problems with Android apps? Because of those issues I can't use any serious android apps (notes etc.), because I don't want to lose my data when app would close itself.

Android apps close unexpectedly

I experienced this quite often - android apps tend to close themselves unexpectedly. Typically the process is:

  1. Start android app
  2. Use the app
  3. After some time the app closes itself (often, not always; not related to anything I do in the app)
  4. Immediately after a close has occured I can't start the app (neither any other android app) again - it says the app is loading but then the "loading" window closes and app is never started
  5. After a while I can start the app

I tried few apps and each of them sufferred from this. The apps were: Barclays, LiveScores, GooglePlay Store, Whatsapp, Dune II.

What's more, Dune II managed to completly crash the whole device - random artifacts on the screen and after few seconds device just rebooted.

Are those common problems with Android apps? Because of those issues I can't use any serious android apps (notes etc.), because I don't want to lose my data when app would close itself.

Might be related to: https://together.jolla.com/question/5675/android-apps-dont-start-in-low-memory-situations/