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posted 2014-11-07 15:19:36 +0200

Minimised Android apps should show latest info on 'cover'

When Android apps are minimised, the minimised cover shows info as on the time of minimising the app. Since Jolla handles multitasking so well, it would be ideal if the minimised view showed the latest content that would be in the app if the app was in the forefront and maximised.

This would be helpful for running apps like whatsapp so that we can atleast see if we have new messages.

Minimised Android apps should show latest info on 'cover'

When Android apps are minimised, the minimised cover shows info as on the time of minimising the app. Since Jolla handles multitasking so well, it would be ideal if the minimised view showed the latest content that would be in the app if the app was in the forefront and maximised.

This would be helpful for running apps like whatsapp so that we can atleast see if we have new messages.

Minimised Android apps should show latest info on 'cover'

When Android apps are minimised, the minimised cover shows info as on the time of minimising the app. Since Jolla handles multitasking so well, it would be ideal if the minimised view showed the latest content that would be in the app if the app was in the forefront and maximised.

This would be helpful for running apps like whatsapp so that we can atleast see if we have new messages.