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posted 2014-11-13 17:10:52 +0200

feature request : android app, cover actions

currently running android apps are ugly on the home screen, besides that the covers have no use.

couldn't it be changed like to have a configurable app cover for android apps.

options could be to fade out the app cover matching the ambiance, show status of app( e.g. online/ unread messages) and add a cover action for instance refresh, or what ever this could plug into depending on the app

feature request : make android app, cover actionsapp covers more attractive

currently running android apps are ugly on the home screen, besides that the covers have no use.

couldn't it be changed like to have a configurable app cover for android apps.

options could be to fade out the app cover matching the ambiance, show status of app( e.g. online/ unread messages) and add a cover action for instance refresh, or what ever this could plug into depending on the app

feature request : make android app covers more attractiveatractive

currently running android apps are ugly on the home screen, besides that the covers have no use.

couldn't it be changed like to have a configurable app cover for android apps.

options could be to fade out the app cover matching the ambiance, show status of app( e.g. online/ unread messages) and add a cover action for instance refresh, or what ever this could plug into depending on the app

feature request : make android app covers more atractiveattractive

currently running android apps are ugly on the home screen, besides that the covers have no use.

couldn't it be changed like to have a configurable app cover for android apps.

options could be to fade out the app cover matching the ambiance, show status of app( e.g. online/ unread messages) and add a cover action for instance refresh, or what ever this could plug into depending on the app

feature request : make android app covers more attractive

currently running android apps are ugly on the home screen, besides that the covers have no use.

couldn't it be changed like to have a configurable app cover for android apps.

options could be to fade out the app cover matching the ambiance, show status of app( e.g. online/ unread messages) and add a cover action for instance refresh, or what ever this could plug into depending on the app