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posted 2014-11-23 22:15:36 +0200

idea about camera switch

Hello sailors,

in the official camera app from jolla phone it could be a more easier way to switch from a camera to the other one, between the front and the behind one. it could be a small pulls to the left side in the apps to be done.

currently the pulls to the right side permit the access to the gallery. with the pulls direction to the left happen nothing.

but it could be used to switch from a camera to the other one. what do you think about it?

have a nice sail

idea about camera switch

Hello sailors,

in the official camera app from jolla phone it could be a more easier way to switch from a camera to the other one, between the front and the behind one. it could be a small pulls to the left side in the apps to be done.

currently the pulls to the right side permit the access to the gallery. with the pulls direction to the left happen nothing.

but it could be used to switch from a camera to the other one. what do you think about it?

I would find it really practicable. seems to be easy to make it possible....

have a nice sail

idea about front/back camera switch

Hello sailors,

in the official camera app from jolla phone it could be a more easier way to switch from a camera to the other one, between the front and the behind one. it could be a small pulls to the left side in the apps to be done.

currently the pulls to the right side permit the access to the gallery. with the pulls direction to the left happen nothing.

but it could be used to switch from a camera to the other one. what do you think about it?

I would find it really practicable. seems to be easy to make it possible....

have a nice sail

idea about switchwing between front/back camera switchview

Hello sailors,

in the official camera app from jolla phone it could be a more easier way to switch from a camera to the other one, between the front and the behind one. it could be a small pulls to the left side in the apps to be done.

currently the pulls to the right side permit the access to the gallery. with the pulls direction to the left happen nothing.

but it could be used to switch from a camera to the other one. what do you think about it?

I would find it really practicable. seems to be easy to make it possible....

have a nice sail

idea about switchwing between front/back Easy Switching Front / back camera viewmode

Hello sailors,

in In the official camera app from jolla phone it could be a more easier way to switch from a camera to the other one, between the front and the behind one. one. it could be a small pulls to the left side in the apps to be done.

currently Currently the pulls to the right side permit the access to the gallery. with gallery. With the pulls direction to the left happen nothing.

nothing. but it could be used to switch from a camera to the other one. one. what do you think about it?

I would find it really practicable. seems to be easy to make it possible....

have a nice sail

Update: If gesture can not be implemented for some reason, it could be built as a toggle. I don't know many people use Exposure Compensation settings, perhaps it could be replaced with a icon to switch between front and back camera.

Easy Switching Front / back camera mode

Hello sailors,

In the official camera app from jolla phone it could be a more easier way to switch from a camera to the other one, between the front and the behind one. it could be a small pulls to the left side in the apps to be done.

Currently the pulls to the right side permit the access to the gallery. With the pulls direction to the left happen nothing. but it could be used to switch from a camera to the other one. what do you think about it?

I would find it really practicable. seems to be easy to make it possible....

have a nice sail

Update: If gesture can not be implemented for some reason, it could be built as a toggle.
I don't know many people use Exposure Compensation settings, settings.
perhaps it could be replaced with a icon to switch between front and back camera.
Or be placed beside of it.