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posted 2013-12-30 12:51:06 +0300

Bluetooth file transfer on Mac OS X

A simple way to transfer files via Bluetooth from a Mac to jolla and from jolla to a Mac is absolutely needed, especially regarding the jolla to Mac part! I can do that with my N9, so why not with jolla?

Bluetooth file transfer on Mac OS Xa computer

A simple way to transfer files via Bluetooth from a Mac computer to jolla and from jolla to a Mac computer is absolutely needed, especially regarding the jolla to Mac a computer part! I can do that with my N9, so why not with jolla?

Bluetooth file transfer on a computerMac

A simple way to transfer files via Bluetooth from a computer Mac to jolla and from jolla to a computer Mac is absolutely needed, especially regarding the jolla to a computer Mac part! I can do that with my N9, so why not with jolla?

Bluetooth file transfer on Mac

A simple way to transfer files via Bluetooth from a Mac to jolla and from jolla to a Mac is absolutely needed, especially regarding the jolla to a Mac part! I can do that with my N9, so why not with jolla?