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posted 2014-11-24 12:46:50 +0200

Encourage Peer to Peer User Support

I find the Jolla community very helpful and not antagonistic unlike the usual Linux crowd who often resent helping newbies and give unpleasant responses to naive questions. I would like to encourage this helpful community and self help somehow in a sort of peer to peer crowd environment. Would it be possible to formalise this slightly and encourage this self help a bit in the way that GiffGaff does its support? I am not asking for a complete copy of this or over commercialising it just a bit more organisation and encouragement of the self help community.

Encourage Peer to Peer User Support

I find the Jolla community very helpful and not antagonistic unlike the usual Linux crowd who often resent helping newbies and give unpleasant responses to naive questions. I would like to encourage this helpful community and self help somehow in a sort of peer to peer crowd environment. Would it be possible to formalise this slightly and encourage this self help a bit in the way that GiffGaff does its support? I am not asking for a complete copy of this or over commercialising it just a bit more organisation and encouragement of the self help community.