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posted 2014-11-28 21:09:50 +0200

why not using the jolla phone as gamepad for jolla tablet

I think most of the guys out there ,that uses a jolla phone, could possibly purchase a jolla tablet, since the OS is the same and the huge passion of the community for the concept. there are so many ways to use both together. As game dev, I really appreciated what Sony did with Xperia Z3, So I'm here to ask if it is possible to use several gamepads or the jolla phone itself, for playing games. I think that could open an endless flow of concepts :)

why not using the jolla phone as gamepad for jolla tablet

I think most of the guys out there ,that uses a jolla phone, could possibly purchase a jolla tablet, since the OS is the same and the huge passion of the community for the concept. there are so many ways to use both together. As game dev, I really appreciated what Sony did with Xperia Z3, So I'm here to ask if it is possible to use several gamepads or the jolla phone itself, for playing games. I think that could open an endless flow of concepts :)