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posted 2014-11-29 19:24:27 +0200

Conflict minerals

Does Jolla have a conflict minerals policy? I love my Jolla phone and the whole company ethos, so would be great to know what supply chain and factory conditions are like. The "Fairphone" currently wins Ethical Consumer's Best Buy award, but comes with hideous Android. Would be great to get Jolla onto the best buy OS and hardware lists, but I can't find a policy anywhere. Thanks!

Conflict minerals

Does Jolla have a conflict minerals policy? I love my Jolla phone and the whole company ethos, so would be great to know what supply chain and factory conditions are like. The "Fairphone" currently wins Ethical Consumer's Best Buy award, but comes with hideous Android. Would be great to get Jolla onto the best buy OS and hardware lists, but I can't find a policy anywhere. Thanks!

Conflict minerals

[question] Does Jolla have a conflict minerals policy? policy?

I love my Jolla phone and the whole company ethos, so would be great to know what supply chain and factory conditions are like. The "Fairphone" currently wins Ethical Consumer's Best Buy award, but comes with hideous Android. Would be great to get Jolla onto the best buy OS and hardware lists, but I can't find a policy anywhere. Thanks!