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posted 2014-12-01 05:53:08 +0200

Github Android App crashes & possibility of native client

I installed Github Android client from Amazon store and it crashes after launching. Appears momentarily though. Anyone else has tried installing and got it working successfully.

No discussion is complete w/o native client, so any possibility for the same? :-) Does it look feasible in terms of API..etc...

Am not a developer, but am part of various Linux / open-source teams and try to help by triage issues...Having an app on mobile would really help the cause...

Github App version - 1.6.1 Sailfish Version is (Tahkalamapi)

Github Android App crashes & possibility of native client

I installed Github Android client from Amazon store and it crashes after launching. Appears momentarily though. Anyone else has tried installing and got it working successfully.

No discussion is complete w/o native client, so any possibility for the same? :-) Does it look feasible in terms of API..etc...

Am not a developer, but am part of various Linux / open-source teams and try to help by triage issues...Having an app on mobile would really help the cause...

Github App version - 1.6.1 Sailfish Version is (Tahkalamapi)(Tahkalamapi) Update - 1.9 works fine. Will keep this open for native part.