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posted 2014-12-01 12:26:11 +0200

Native Video Player - how to go about it

Hi guys,

I've been thinking about developing a native video player for Jolla, came across LLs Player on openrepos.net but apparently the app didn't make it to the official Jolla store due to API infringement (?)

I've also searched in here but came up a bit empty, so here's my question:

I'd like to know if anyone could give some pointers on how to work on a video player for Jolla, considering that it's possible to produce one that qualifies for the Jolla Store.

Thanks in advance!

Native Video Player - how to go about itit [SOLVED]

Hi guys,

I've been thinking about developing a native video player for Jolla, came across LLs Player on openrepos.net but apparently the app didn't make it to the official Jolla store due to API infringement (?)

I've also searched in here but came up a bit empty, so here's my question:

I'd like to know if anyone could give some pointers on how to work on a video player for Jolla, considering that it's possible to produce one that qualifies for the Jolla Store.

Thanks in advance!

Native Video Player - how to go about it [SOLVED][ --almost-- SOLVED]

Hi guys,

I've been thinking about developing a native video player for Jolla, came across LLs Player on openrepos.net but apparently the app didn't make it to the official Jolla store due to API infringement (?)

I've also searched in here but came up a bit empty, so here's my question:

I'd like to know if anyone could give some pointers on how to work on a video player for Jolla, considering that it's possible to produce one that qualifies for the Jolla Store.

Thanks in advance!