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posted 2014-12-04 17:49:49 +0200

[Request] User friendly firewall

Can we please have UFW implemented in Jolla? There's many of us that don't understand how to handle iptables on our own, so we are left without options for firewall protection. I'm pretty sure there's a lot more of us who already know how to handle UFW (Uncomplicated firewall), and it probably isn't to hard for our great app developers to make a nice gui (like Gufw), for those who don't want to use terminal.

[Request] User friendly firewallfirewall, specifically UWF (Uncomplicated Firewall)

Can we please have UFW implemented in Jolla? There's many of us that don't understand how to handle iptables on our own, so we are left without options for firewall protection. I'm pretty sure there's a lot more of us who already know how to handle UFW (Uncomplicated firewall), and it probably isn't to hard for our great app developers to make a nice gui (like Gufw), for those who don't want to use terminal.