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1 | initial version | posted 2014-12-07 03:22:31 +0200 |
when you move from the homescreen (multitasking view) to the lockscreen (clock, date, network), there is a very noticeable “jerk” or discontinuity after a fraction of second... it happens every time and appears to happen at a constant time after the drag gesture is started -- not at a constant place (i.e. it doesn't matter at what y-coordinate you are when the “timeout” hits, the scrolling always gets stuck after an identical timeout)... this is very annoying and spoils the otherwise relatively smooth operation of the phone; when I enable detailed FPS display, the spike produced at the homescreen -> lockscreen transitions is off the scale (the indicator maxes out about 1/4 of the display height high); the problem doesn't happen when going back to homescreen
2 | No.2 Revision |
There are multiple places in the main UI where things are just not smooth.
These are probably software issues, where the rendering thread becomes blocked. I have tried using an interactive CPU frequency governor (as per @Manatus) and the performance GPU powerscaling governor: this does not make any difference.
This is all with update 9, but it is not related to memory pressure (all of this happens with no or very few light apps open, depending on the scenario).
3 | No.3 Revision |
There are multiple places in the main UI where things are just not smooth.
These are probably software issues, where the rendering thread becomes blocked. I have tried using an interactive CPU frequency governor (as per @Manatus) and the performance GPU powerscaling governor: this does not make any difference.
This is all with update 9, but it is not related to memory pressure (all of this happens with no or very few light apps open, depending on the scenario).
UPDATE: No chaneg with update 10. Are others seeing the issues described above? Should I try a factory reset?
4 | No.4 Revision |
There are multiple places in the main UI where things are just not smooth.
These are probably software issues, where the rendering thread becomes blocked. I have tried using an interactive CPU frequency governor (as per @Manatus) and the performance GPU powerscaling governor: this does not make any difference.
This is all with update 9, but it is not related to memory pressure (all of this happens with no or very few light apps open, depending on the scenario).
UPDATE: No chaneg change with update 10. Are others seeing the issues described above? Should I try a factory reset?