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posted 2014-12-18 02:33:37 +0200

[Request]Add costum Icons to Ambience

Hi there, I was just working on a pixelart Ambience, but my probleme was, that the icons not fitt well with the ambience. Could you please add the option to change the icon of every app (maybe by name...)

Best Regards, Théo Severin

PS: A feature that would go well with this would be a pc-Ambience-creator!

[Request]Add costum custom Icons to Ambience

Hi there, I was just working on a pixelart Ambience, but my probleme was, that the icons not fitt well with the ambience. Could you please add the option to change the icon of every app (maybe by name...)

Best Regards, Théo Severin

PS: A feature that would go well with this would be a pc-Ambience-creator!