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posted 2014-12-19 09:00:50 +0200

MSH gravatar image

Browser and OOM handling with Update 10

Hi, I updated my Jolla yesterday and it works smoothly. I guess partly because of rather aggressive OOM handling, which is visible when using browser.

My normal setup is to have SMS, E-mail, Calendar, Phone and clock running all the time, to access them quickly without going to the grid. Now, I open up browser, surf through couple web pages and close the browser and almost all apps have been closed, usually only phone being still on multitasking view. Which, IMO somewhat hinders the original idea ow multitasking view. So far this has only happened with browser (not for example playing CoC for long periods of time), so it makes me wonder if it's by design or does the OOM handling kick in too quickly with browser?

Browser and OOM handling with Update 10

Hi, I updated my Jolla yesterday and it works smoothly. I guess partly because of rather aggressive OOM handling, which is visible when using browser.

My normal setup is to have SMS, E-mail, Calendar, Phone and clock running all the time, to access them quickly without going to the grid. Now, I open up browser, surf through couple web pages and close the browser and almost all apps have been closed, usually only phone being still on multitasking view. Which, IMO somewhat hinders the original idea ow multitasking view. So far this has only happened with browser (not for example playing CoC for long periods of time), so it makes me wonder if it's by design or does the OOM handling kick in too quickly with browser?