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posted 2014-12-22 18:53:41 +0200

is there a way to go back and forth a letter using a keyboard?

Well, how do I explain this, I think keyboard is missing this two keys < and > whenever I am typing sometimes I want to go back or forth only a letter but it is a case of 'hit or miss' since sometimes I need to press finger exactly where I want to not delete and then retype the whole sentence again... Or it is a way already of doing this?

is there a way to go back and forth a letter using a the keyboard?

Well, how do I explain this, I think keyboard is missing this two keys < and > whenever I am typing sometimes I want to go back or forth only a letter but it is a case of 'hit or miss' since sometimes I need to press finger exactly where I want to not delete and then retype the whole sentence again... Or it is a way already of doing this?