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posted 2014-12-27 20:51:13 +0200

MMS with multiple images and copy to gallery

I have received a MMS message with 9 images in it.

So the remarks what can be improved:

  1. You don't have zoom of images in MMS. So in my humble opinion ZOOM for images in MMS will be very useful.

  2. You decide because of 1. to save the images somewhere and view them in order to zoom them and see more details. So you find out in pulley menu that you have "Copy to gallery" BUT this has to be called for each image separately. This is not very user-friendly. So in my humble opinion "Copy to gallery" for MMS with multiple images in it will be really useful.

MMS with multiple images and copy to gallery

I have received a MMS message with 9 images in it.

So the remarks what can be improved:

  1. You don't have zoom of images in MMS. So in my humble opinion ZOOM for images in MMS will be very useful.

  2. You decide because of 1. to save the images somewhere and view them in order to zoom them and see more details. So you find out in pulley menu that you have "Copy to gallery" BUT this has to be called for each image separately. This is not very user-friendly. So in my humble opinion "Copy to gallery" for MMS with multiple images in it will be really useful.useful. Copying all the images with single command to gallery will be appreciated.