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posted 2013-12-31 11:09:00 +0200

Disable vibration when charging

Is it possible to set the phone to disable the vibration alerts automatically when the charger is connected? I did not find a way.

The choices for vibration in the settings are: Always / Only when silent / Only when sounds on / Never.

I want to charge the phone overnight, set the phone on mute, and leave it on the night table. However, if someone calls during the night or I receive a message I most probably wake up to the vibration buzz. And we don't want that.

Same applies to situations where the sounds are on + charging. Why would you need vibration while charging? The phone is most probably sitting on a table, not in your pocket. You dont feel the vibration from the other side of the house.

Disable vibration when charging

Is it possible to set the phone to disable the vibration alerts automatically when the charger is connected? I did not find a way.

The choices for vibration in the settings are: Always / Only when silent / Only when sounds on / Never.

I want to charge the phone overnight, set the phone on mute, and leave it on the night table. However, if someone calls during the night or I receive a message I most probably wake up to the vibration buzz. And we don't want that.

Same applies to situations where the sounds are on + charging. Why would you need vibration while charging? The phone is most probably sitting on a table, not in your pocket. You dont feel the vibration from the other side of the house.