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posted 2015-01-09 00:41:56 +0200

Can the native browser enable local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

I have a basic contenteditable HTML file but all edits are lost in the current native browser implementation. Please allow saving in the browser. I would upload a copy but only image uploads are allowed. The file is a copy of the Calendar QML file wrapped in the markup:

<html><body><pre contenteditable="true">[QML CONTENT]</pre></body>

Can the native browser enable local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

I have a basic contenteditable HTML file but all edits are lost in the current native browser implementation. Please allow saving in the browser. I would upload a copy but only image uploads are allowed. The file is a copy of the Calendar QML file wrapped in the markup:

<html><body><pre contenteditable="true">[QML CONTENT]</pre></body>

Dear reader, please upvote this.

Can the native browser enable local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

I have In a basic contenteditable HTML file but all edits are lost in the current native browser implementation. Please allow saving in the browser. I would upload a copy of the QML text but only image uploads are allowed. The file is a copy of the Calendar QML file wrapped in the markup:

<html><body><pre contenteditable="true">[QML CONTENT]</pre></body>

Dear reader, please upvote this.

Can the native browser enable local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In a basic contenteditable HTML file all edits are lost in the current native browser implementation. Please allow saving in the browser. I would upload a copy of the QML text but only image uploads are allowed. The file is a copy of the Calendar QML file wrapped in the markup:

<html><body><pre contenteditable="true">[QML CONTENT]</pre></body>

Dear reader, please upvote this.this request for a decade-old essential feature.


Can the native browser enable local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In a basic contenteditable HTML file all edits are lost in the current native browser implementation. Please allow saving in the browser. I would upload a copy of the QML text but only image uploads are allowed. The file is a copy of the Calendar QML file wrapped in the markup:

<html><body><pre contenteditable="true">[QML CONTENT]</pre></body>

Dear reader, please upvote this request for a decade-old essential feature.


Can the native browser enable do local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In a basic contenteditable HTML file all edits are lost in the current native browser implementation. Please allow saving in the browser. I would upload a copy of the QML text but only image uploads are allowed. The file is a copy of the Calendar QML file wrapped in the markup:

<html><body><pre contenteditable="true">[QML CONTENT]</pre></body>

Dear reader, please upvote this request for a decade-old essential feature.


Can the browser do local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In a basic contenteditable HTML file all files, I cannot save edits are lost in the current native browser implementation. browser. Please allow saving in the browser. browser so I would upload can use my browser as a copy of the QML text but only image uploads are allowed. The file is a copy of the Calendar QML file wrapped in the markup:

<html><body><pre contenteditable="true">[QML CONTENT]</pre></body>

Dear reader, please upvote this request for a decade-old essential feature.editor:

<html><body><pre contenteditable="true">any content</pre></body>

Ref: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2002Jan/0030.html

Can the browser do local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In contenteditable HTML files, I cannot save edits in the browser. Please allow saving in the browser so I can use my browser as a text editor:editor.

  • A mark-up example:

    <html><body><pre contenteditable="true">any content</pre></body>

  • Test:

This text [sh|w]ould be editable, but on the Jolla phone it will not write to disk (no 'Save As...')

Ref: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2002Jan/0030.html

Can the browser do local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In contenteditable HTML files, I cannot save edits in the browser. Please allow saving in the browser so I can use my browser as a text editor.

  • A mark-up example:

    <html><body><pre contenteditable="true">any content</pre></body>

  • Test:Tests:

This PRE text [sh|w]ould be editable, but on the Jolla phone it will not write to disk (no 'Save As...')

This P text is likewise, with attribute 'contenteditable' set to "true".

Ref: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2002Jan/0030.html

Can the browser do local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In contenteditable HTML files, I cannot save edits in the browser. Please allow saving in the browser so I can use my browser as a text editor.

  • A mark-up example:

    <html><body><pre contenteditable="true">any contentEditable="true">any content</pre></body>

  • Tests:

This PRE text [sh|w]ould be editable, but on the Jolla phone it will not write to disk (no 'Save As...').

This P text is likewise, with attribute 'contenteditable' set to "true".

Ref: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2002Jan/0030.html

Can the browser do local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In contenteditable HTML files, I cannot save edits in the browser. Please allow saving in the browser so I can use my browser as a text editor.

  • A mark-up example:

    <html><body><pre contentEditable="true">any content</pre></body>

  • Tests:Tests (may fail due to server parse or its use of XHTML, at the moment I'm disinclined to try to find out.)

This PRE text [sh|w]ould be editable, but on the Jolla phone it will not write to disk (no 'Save As...').

This P text is likewise, with attribute 'contenteditable' set to "true".

Ref: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html/2002Jan/0030.htmlhttp://html5demos.com/contenteditable

Can the browser do local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In contenteditable HTML files, I cannot save edits in the browser. Please allow saving in the browser so I can use my browser as a text editor.

  • A mark-up example:

    <html><body><pre contentEditable="true">any content</pre></body>

  • Tests (may fail due to server parse or its use of XHTML, at the moment I'm disinclined to try to find out.)

This PRE <pre> text [sh|w]ould be editable, but on the Jolla phone it will not write to disk (no 'Save As...').

This P <p> text is likewise, with its attribute 'contenteditable' set to "true".

Ref: http://html5demos.com/contenteditable

Can the browser do local saves with contenteditable-attributed elements?

In contenteditable HTML files, I cannot save edits in the browser. Please allow saving in the browser so I can use my browser as a text editor.

  • A mark-up example:

    <html><body><pre contentEditable="true">any content</pre></body>

  • Tests (may fail due to server parse or its use of XHTML, at the moment I'm disinclined to try to find out.)

This <pre> text [sh|w]ould be editable, but on the Jolla phone it will not write to disk (no 'Save As...').

This <p> text is likewise, with its attribute 'contenteditable' set to "true".

Ref: http://html5demos.com/contenteditable

Tangentally/directly related: https://together.jolla.com/questions/scope:all/sort:activity-desc/page:1/query:save/