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posted 2015-01-11 17:27:46 +0200

Save image with location in maps

If you have searched for a place in the maps application most of the time an image is fetched for it automatically. If you then decide to save that location as in your list of favorite places the image is no longer there and you have to provide your own one. I would expect that the automatically fetched one is used and I can change it if I like to.

Steps to replicate this:

  • Start maps application
  • Search for "Berlin Brandenburg Gate" and click on the result
  • Now automatically an image of the gate is shown
  • Click the star button in the down right in the image (to save the place to favorite places)
  • Go back to the start screen of Maps (swipe two times to the right): there is now Brandenburg Gate listed, but without the background image

Save image with location for favorite places in maps

If you have searched for a place in the maps application most of the time an image is fetched for it automatically. If you then decide to save that location as in your list of favorite places the image is no longer there and you have to provide your own one. I would expect that the automatically fetched one is used and I can change it if I like to.

Steps to replicate this:

  • Start maps application
  • Search for "Berlin Brandenburg Gate" and click on the result
  • Now automatically an image of the gate is shown
  • Click the star button in the down right in the image (to save the place to favorite places)
  • Go back to the start screen of Maps (swipe two times to the right): there is now Brandenburg Gate listed, but without the background image