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1 | initial version | posted 2015-01-12 11:31:19 +0200 |
Suddenly the Backup Function in System stops responding. A blank page (with only the animation circle) is displayed. The phone suggests to wait or to close the application. Same problem after restart the phone (newest version
2 | retagged |
Suddenly the Backup Function in System stops responding. A blank page (with only the animation circle) is displayed. The phone suggests to wait or to close the application. Same problem after restart the phone (newest version
3 | retagged |
Suddenly the Backup Function in System stops responding. A blank page (with only the animation circle) is displayed. The phone suggests to wait or to close the application. Same problem after restart the phone (newest version
4 | retagged |
Suddenly the Backup Function in System stops responding. A blank page (with only the animation circle) is displayed. The phone suggests to wait or to close the application. Same problem after restart the phone (newest version