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posted 2015-01-20 00:04:06 +0200

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example: - http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example: - example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/

  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostockhttp://bl.ocks.org/mbostock http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock 7607999[7607999]/(http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999)
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock [7607999]/(http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999)
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples/rotatepushpop.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock [7607999]/(http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999)
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples/rotatepushpop.htmlhttps://processing.org/examples/ rotatepushpop.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock [7607999]/(http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999)
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples/ rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock [7607999]/(http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/7607999)/7607999
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples/ rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock // 7607999
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples/ https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/you-see

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Will Jolla release a browser-based, localhost-only mechanism to call xdg-open?Interaction ideas from the web

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/you-see

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Interaction ideas from the web

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Needless to say, I have no proper appreciation of the insecurity implications of this idea, but as Have look at reactjs, revealjs, d3js and when appropriate lock-down measures would be in place, I think good things could start to receive compound interest.alloyui.

Consider, for example:

  • http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/
  • Unknown insecurity implications aside - or rather, with appropriate lock-down measures in place, see http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/ | http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999
  • http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml
  • | http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml | https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html
  • http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible
  • http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives
  • | http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/you-see

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Interaction ideas from the web

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Have look at reactjs, revealjs, d3js and alloyui.

Unknown insecurity implications aside - or rather, with appropriate lock-down measures in place, see http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/ | http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999 | http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml | https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html | http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/you-see

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Interaction ideas from the web

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Have look at reactjs, revealjs, d3js and alloyui.

Unknown insecurity implications aside - or rather, with appropriate lock-down measures in place, see http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/ | http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999 | http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml | https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html | http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/you-see

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Interaction ideas from the web

See also the links listed further on, below these links and the text.

Avatar.ai from a Finnish group.

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Have look at revealjs, d3js and alloyui.

Unknown insecurity implications aside - or rather, with appropriate lock-down measures in place, see http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/ | http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999 | http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml | https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html | http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/you-see

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Interaction ideas from the web

See also the links listed further on, below these links and the text.

Avatar.ai from a Finnish group.group. http://osmcode.org/ (Openstreetmap code)

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Have look at revealjs, d3js and alloyui.

Unknown insecurity implications aside - or rather, with appropriate lock-down measures in place, see http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/ | http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999 | http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml | https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html | http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/you-see

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html

Interaction ideas from the web

See also the links listed further on, below these links and the text.

Avatar.ai from a Finnish group. http://osmcode.org/ (Openstreetmap code)

If the browser could send parameters to xdg-open to via links, then the GUI for this phone, within the bounds of HTML, SVG, users' imaginations and some really cool examples on the interwebs, could become arbitrarily magnificent.

Have look at revealjs, d3js and alloyui.

Unknown insecurity implications aside - or rather, with appropriate lock-down measures in place, see http://close-pixelate.desandro.com/ | http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock / 7607999 -- maybe this is how a developer version of dbus options could display (mapped to all possible linkages and calls, not just those actually currently exposed to some GUI somewhere on the system; | http://svg-wow.org/camera/camera.xhtml | https://processing.org/examples / rotatepushpop.html | http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/molten.html - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/circumscrible - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/in-second-lives - http://www.dhteumeuleu.com/you-see

Though loading this one did coincide with my browser spontaneously closing: - http://ejohn.org/apps/processing.js/examples/custom/substrate.html