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posted 2015-02-03 11:38:02 +0200

Strange "no space left on device" while having 50% free


Note: jump to "My question is" if you're not interested in context

I've got a very strange bug last night. My android apps crashed and cannot be started and I lost connexion (mobile data and wifi). I used "restart network connexion" and "restart Android" from Utilities but none worked (restart connexions made network work for 5~10s with icon continually switching from wifi to mobile data and then stoped working).

After a reboot, Lipstick crashed 5s after boot and reload with no problems, a "critical problem with application registry" the "restore registry" from Utilities did not work as well and the message constantly appear.

So I tried to do it manually and I've got a "No space left on device", which is strange because df show me 50% free space on /. After remove some about ~500mo (I'm now at 47% and bad at math) from android data (mainly offline OsmAnd~ maps), everything work fine again, I realized that my mails was not checked from about 7h.

My question is : why do I have "no space left on device" ? I never used btrfs before, should it be a problem with snapshots (I don't use it, but it may be used by SailfishOS) ?

Note: As I'm french, all messages and buttons appears in french on my device, I apologies for mistranslations and broken english

Strange "no space left on device" while having 50% free


Note: jump to "My question is" if you're not interested in context

I've got a very strange bug last night. My android apps crashed and cannot be started and I lost connexion (mobile data and wifi). I used "restart network connexion" and "restart Android" from Utilities but none worked (restart connexions made network work for 5~10s with icon continually switching from wifi to mobile data and then stoped working).

After a reboot, Lipstick crashed 5s after boot and reload with no problems, a "critical problem with application registry" the "restore registry" from Utilities did not work as well and the message constantly appear.

So I tried to do it manually and I've got a "No space left on device", which is strange because df show me 50% free space on /. After remove some about ~500mo (I'm now at 47% and bad at math) from android data (mainly offline OsmAnd~ maps), everything work fine again, I realized that my mails was not checked from about 7h.

My question is : why do I have "no space left on device" ? I never used btrfs before, should it be a problem with snapshots (I don't use it, but it may be used by SailfishOS) ?

Note: As I'm french, all messages and buttons appears in french on my device, I apologies for mistranslations and broken english