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posted 2014-01-01 21:36:08 +0300

Email: Add ability to redirect mail

I've never seen this on a mobile email client and it's not common on desktop mail software either but it's a feature that keeps be using Apple's Mail.app client on my Mac.

Mail.app will let you redirect mail instead of forwarding it.

For example, if I receive an email to my personal account but the sender should have sent it to support@blah.com I can 'redirect' the mail to the right account and the from: field remains the original sender. For support ticket systems, this means the original sender then gets the automated ticket raised reply and all subsequent ticket replies. If I'd used the more common 'forward' then the sender ends up as me.

It's discussed here

I'd love to see this feature on my Jolla. It'd make my life handling customer support a lot easier.

Email: Add ability to redirect mail

I've never seen this on a mobile email client and it's not common on desktop mail software either but it's a feature that keeps be me using Apple's Mail.app client on my Mac.

Mail.app will let you redirect mail instead of forwarding it.

For example, if I receive an email to my personal account but the sender should have sent it to support@blah.com I can 'redirect' the mail to the right account and the from: field remains the original sender. For support ticket systems, this means the original sender then gets the automated ticket raised reply and all subsequent ticket replies. If I'd used the more common 'forward' then the sender ends up as me.

It's discussed here

I'd love to see this feature on my Jolla. It'd make my life handling customer support a lot easier.