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posted 2015-02-23 11:09:04 +0200

[ Yliaavanlampi ] Can't create event in Calendar

I just recognized that the "Save" Option doesn't appear in the eventview. This was never an issue. It'I tried with different calendars but I can't seem to add an event in any of them. Who can confirm?

[ Yliaavanlampi ] Can't create event in Calendar

I just recognized that the "Save" Option doesn't appear in the eventview. This was never an issue. It'I I tried with different calendars but I can't seem to add an event in any of them. Who can confirm?

[ Yliaavanlampi ] Can't create event in Calendar

I just recognized that the "Save" Option doesn't appear when creating an event in the eventview. This was never an issue. I tried with different calendars but I can't seem to add an event in any of them. Who can confirm?