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posted 2015-02-27 12:29:52 +0200

Portrait/Landscape mode inconsistent in sailfish office

Hello everyone,

there are some issues when using sailfish office in different orientations:

  1. The pdf details page cannot be scrolled in landscape mode, so that not all info can be shown
  2. The pdf switches to different pages when switching between the orientations see https://together.jolla.com/question/7526/documents-application-bug-when-switching-between-portrait-and-landscape-the-current-page-is-not-conserved/

Can you reproduce this? Cheers Mika

Portrait/Landscape mode inconsistent in sailfish office

Hello everyone,

there are some issues when using sailfish office in different orientations:

  1. The pdf details page cannot be scrolled in landscape mode, so that not all info can be shown
  2. The pdf switches to different pages when switching between the orientations see https://together.jolla.com/question/7526/documents-application-bug-when-switching-between-portrait-and-landscape-the-current-page-is-not-conserved/

Can you reproduce this? Cheers Mika

Portrait/Landscape mode inconsistent in sailfish officeoffice/browser

Hello everyone,

there are some issues when using sailfish office in different orientations:

  1. The pdf details page cannot be scrolled in landscape mode, so that not all info can be shown
  2. The pdf switches to different pages when switching between the orientations see https://together.jolla.com/question/7526/documents-application-bug-when-switching-between-portrait-and-landscape-the-current-page-is-not-conserved/

Edit: 21.03.2015

Same issues when switching orientations in the browser. This is really an issue...

Can you reproduce this? Cheers Mika