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posted 2015-03-04 12:04:08 +0300

[Idea] Blender for SailfishOS


For those who don't know Blender3D is a free and opensource software for 3D art.

I am a user of blender since now nearly 10 years and recently I discover this: wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Game_Engine/Android/Building_Blender_for_Android

But the problem is, this is an android app and Sailfish user (like me) don't need/want all this uselless JDK layer...

You will probably say "a 3D modelling tool on a phone? WTF?" in fact the modelling tool itself is not really usefull for a phone, but with a configuration of blender (such as disabling addon and make the 3D view full screen etc...) you can use it just as a 3D model viewer which is way much more interesting !

In addition with the jolla-tablet in mind blender can become really cool, the node shader system or every sculpt and paint tool can be fun to use on a tablet... In addition blender have a lot of tool for video clip editing, photo editing or even sound mixing... So even if it's not really designed for a mobile platform (add-ons like pie-menus can help a lot for this) it can be a really powerful tool...

But my problem is I have no experience in embed or cross compilation and only a very few hours in Sailfish development and I have not that much time to spend in learning all of this interesting stuff. BTW If such project is finally launched I will be really happy to help !

[Idea] Blender for SailfishOS


For those who don't know Blender3D is a free and opensource software for 3D art.

I am a user of blender since now nearly 10 years and recently I discover this: wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Game_Engine/Android/Building_Blender_for_Android

But the problem is, this is an android app and Sailfish user (like me) don't need/want all this uselless JDK layer...

You will probably say "a 3D modelling tool on a phone? WTF?" in fact the modelling tool itself is not really usefull for a phone, but with a configuration of blender (such as disabling addon and make the 3D view full screen etc...) you can use it just as a 3D model viewer which is way much more interesting !

In addition with the jolla-tablet in mind blender can become really cool, the node shader system or every sculpt and paint tool can be fun to use on a tablet... In addition blender have a lot of tool for video clip editing, photo editing or even sound mixing... So even if it's not really designed for a mobile platform (add-ons like pie-menus can help a lot for this) it can be a really powerful tool...

But my problem is I have no experience in embed or cross compilation and only a very few hours in Sailfish development and I have not that much time to spend in learning all of this interesting stuff. BTW If such project is finally launched I will be really happy to help !