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posted 2015-03-06 08:10:44 +0200

Quick setting toggles in SFOS 2.0 phonei

After watching several videos from MWC with SailfishOS 2.0 I have nboticed that the events view gets crippled on the phone UI.

Quick setting toggles and quick links seem to be gone there.

At least give us an option to have them on phone too, maybe repositioned to top of events view.

Quick setting toggles in SFOS 2.0 phoneiphone

After watching several videos from MWC with SailfishOS 2.0 I have nboticed that the events view gets crippled on the phone UI.

Quick setting toggles and quick links seem to be gone there.

At least give us an option to have them on phone too, maybe repositioned to top of events view.

Quick setting toggles in SFOS 2.0 phone

After watching several videos from MWC with SailfishOS 2.0 I have nboticed noticed that the events view gets crippled on the phone UI.

Quick setting toggles and quick links seem to be gone there.

At least give us an option to have them on phone too, maybe repositioned to top of events view.