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posted 2015-03-07 02:23:05 +0200

Unable to use Android apps that detect rooted phones

I've recently obtained a Jolla phone and am trying to install the Android online banking app from my bank (Halifax in the UK), but it refuses to run as it says my device is rooted. Normally you would do something like install the xposed framework and go from there, but this isn't an option on Jolla as it fails to install (which figures, as it isn't a normal Android system).

Is there any way I can get this working on my new Jolla, be it by getting Xposed working, or by restricting the permissions of the Halifax app itself so it no longer thinks it has root?

For what it's worth, the core of the Xposed plugin that has been written simply uses:

findAndHookMethod("com.cryptomathic.securecore.TrusteerMalwareDetector", lpparam.classLoader, "isRooted", XC_MethodReplacement.returnConstant(false));

...so I don't know if Jolla or Myriad needs to get in contact with Trusteer/IBM to get their detection fixed.

Unable to use Android apps that detect rooted phones

I've recently obtained a Jolla phone and am trying to install the Android online banking app from my bank (Halifax in the UK), but it refuses to run as it says my device is rooted. Normally you would do something like install the xposed framework and go from there, but this isn't an option on Jolla as it fails to install (which figures, as it isn't a normal Android system).

Is there any way I can get this working on my new Jolla, be it by getting Xposed working, or by restricting the permissions of the Halifax app itself so it no longer thinks it has root?

For what it's worth, the core of the Xposed plugin that has been written simply uses:

findAndHookMethod("com.cryptomathic.securecore.TrusteerMalwareDetector", lpparam.classLoader, "isRooted", XC_MethodReplacement.returnConstant(false));

...so I don't know if Jolla or Myriad needs to get in contact with Trusteer/IBM to get their detection fixed.

Unable to use Android apps that detect rooted phones

I've recently obtained a Jolla phone and am trying to install the Android online banking app from my bank (Halifax in the UK), but it refuses to run as it says my device is rooted. Normally you would do something like install the xposed framework and go from there, but this isn't an option on Jolla as it fails to install (which figures, as it isn't a normal Android system).

Is there any way I can get this working on my new Jolla, be it by getting Xposed working, or by restricting the permissions of the Halifax app itself so it no longer thinks it has root?

For what it's worth, the core of the Xposed plugin that has been written simply uses:

findAndHookMethod("com.cryptomathic.securecore.TrusteerMalwareDetector", lpparam.classLoader, "isRooted", XC_MethodReplacement.returnConstant(false));

...so I don't know if Jolla or Myriad needs to get in contact with Trusteer/IBM to get their detection fixed.