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initial version

posted 2013-12-25 04:02:12 +0200

Japanese input method

Given that Chinese input is already supported, it seems to me that Japanese input would be the next logical step. It would be of great benefit to both Japanese users, and students of Japanese (e.g. me). Whether it's wāpuro rōmaji or kana input doesn't really matter to me personally, as long as it's possible to type Japanese at all; it's more or less the only major thing that I'm missing from my old iOS device.

Japanese input method

Given that Chinese input is already supported, it seems to me that Japanese input would be the next logical step. It would be of great benefit to both Japanese users, and students of Japanese (e.g. me). Whether it's wāpuro rōmaji or kana input doesn't really matter to me personally, as long as it's possible to type Japanese at all; it's more or less the only major thing that I'm missing from my old iOS device.

Japanese input method

Given that Chinese input is already supported, it seems to me that Japanese input would be the next logical step. It would be of great benefit to both Japanese users, and students of Japanese (e.g. me). Whether it's wāpuro rōmaji or kana input doesn't really matter to me personally, as long as it's possible to type Japanese at all; it's more or less the only major thing that I'm missing from my old iOS device.