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posted 2015-03-24 01:11:36 +0200

Neo gravatar image

Add different viewing options for bookmarks

Currently the bookmarks in the native browser are shown as icons in a grid with the name of the bookmark below the icon shrunken to 10-14 charachters.

I would be nice to have different viewing options for the bookmarks.

E.g. see the bookmarks as a plain list (the name of the bookmark in one row so you can see the whole text).

Or with icons like it is now but as a list not as a grid (name of the bookmark next to the icon in one row).

Add different viewing options for bookmarks

tldr; There needs to be more than one way to order a group of bookmarks.

Currently the bookmarks in the native browser are shown as icons in a grid with the name of the bookmark below the icon shrunken truncated to 10-14 charachters.characters.

I It would be nice to have different viewing options for the bookmarks.

E.g. bookmarks, e.g. see the bookmarks as a plain list (the name of the bookmark in one row so you can see the whole text).

Or text), or with icons like it is now (as now) but as a list not as a grid (name of the bookmark next to the icon in one row).