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posted 2014-01-02 23:51:54 +0200

Jolla to support FBUS commands

You can read more about FBUS commands here:



But in general a standard (from nokia) to use the jolla phone as a external modem to script specific phone tasks (initiate call, send sms etc..).

Like incorporating a jolla phone to a nagios installation, when a critical issue is raised, icinga via eventhandlers calls a script which using gnokii as middlehand uses the jolla phone to call or sms the on duty personel. (a static call higher probability to wake up rather than sms:) )

You can read more about gnokii here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnokii

Jolla to support FBUS commandscommands (enables nagios phone call alert etc..)

You can read more about FBUS commands here:



But in general a standard (from nokia) to use the jolla phone as a external modem to script specific phone tasks (initiate call, send sms etc..).

Like incorporating a jolla phone to a nagios installation, when a critical issue is raised, icinga via eventhandlers calls a script which using gnokii as middlehand uses the jolla phone to call or sms the on duty personel. (a static call higher probability to wake up rather than sms:) )

You can read more about gnokii here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnokii