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posted 2015-04-27 19:05:35 +0200

Battery drain and

I suspect LowPowerMode mode and/or powersave mode is/are not working properly with Since I upgraded, the battery drain has obviously been increased dramatically (confirmed by Hunger Meter and SysMon). Same for everybody or just me?

Battery drain and

I suspect LowPowerMode mode and/or powersave mode is/are not working properly with Since I upgraded, the battery drain has obviously been increased dramatically (confirmed by Hunger Meter and SysMon). Same for everybody or just me?

Battery drain and

I suspect LowPowerMode and/or powersave mode is/are not working properly with Since I upgraded, the battery drain has obviously been increased dramatically (confirmed by Hunger Meter and SysMon). Same for everybody or just me?

Battery drain and

I suspect LowPowerMode and/or powersave mode is/are not working properly with Since I upgraded, the battery drain has obviously been increased dramatically (confirmed by Hunger Meter and SysMon). Same for everybody or just me?

Battery drain and

I suspect LowPowerMode and/or powersave mode is/are not working properly with Since I upgraded, the battery drain has obviously been increased dramatically (confirmed by Hunger Meter and SysMon). Same for everybody or just me?

Battery drain and

I suspect LowPowerMode and/or powersave mode is/are not working properly with Since I upgraded, the battery drain has obviously been increased dramatically (confirmed by Hunger Meter and SysMon). Same for everybody or just me?me?

update: seems to be fixed in