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posted 2015-05-05 20:46:47 +0300

Mediaplayer omits first milliseconds

I have just observed that the first milliseconds of sound is omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.

Mediaplayer omits first milliseconds

I have just observed that the first milliseconds of sound is are omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.

Mediaplayer Media player omits first milliseconds

I have just observed that the first milliseconds of sound are omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.

Media player omits first milliseconds~50 milliseconds of sound

I have just observed that the first ~50 milliseconds of sound are omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app. app and phone is connected to a bluetooth speaker.

When skipped to next song or first song started over again this occurs exactly at the beginning and I can not notice any delay.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.

Media player omits first ~50 milliseconds of sound

I have observed that the first ~50 milliseconds of sound are omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app and phone is connected to a bluetooth speaker.

When skipped to next song or first song started over again this occurs exactly at the beginning and I can not notice any delay.delay. Neither when I use head phones via 3.5mm plug.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.

Media player omits first ~50 milliseconds of sound

I have observed that the first ~50 milliseconds of sound are omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app and phone is connected to a bluetooth speaker.

When skipped to next song or first song started over again this occurs exactly at the beginning and I can not notice a delay any delay. more. Neither when I use head phones via 3.5mm plug.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.

Media player omits first ~50 milliseconds of sound

I have observed that the first ~50 milliseconds of sound are omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app and phone is connected to a bluetooth speaker.

When skipped to next song or first song started over again this occurs exactly at the beginning and I can not notice a delay any more. Neither when I use head phones via 3.5mm plug.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.

Media player omits first ~50 milliseconds of sound

I have observed that the first ~50 milliseconds (or even more) of sound are omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app and phone is connected to a bluetooth speaker.

When skipped to next song or first song started over again this occurs playback starts exactly at the beginning and I can not cannot notice a delay any more. Neither anymore, neither when I use head phones via 3.5mm plug.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.

Media player omits first ~50 milliseconds of sound

I have observed that the first ~50 milliseconds (or even more) of sound are omitted when starting to play a song right after launching Media app and phone is connected to a bluetooth speaker.

When skipped to next song or first song started over again playback starts exactly at the beginning and I cannot notice a delay anymore, neither when I use head phones via 3.5mm plug.

I am not sure if this is due to update to but I do not think I have ever observed this before.