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posted 2015-05-13 16:03:17 +0200

How to change Fingerterm background color


I want to change the background color on Fingerterm to white(or light gray) and foreground color to black. Any ideas how to do that? Where does it get the colors settings it using by default? I doubt those would be hardcoded on it..

  • brc

How to change Fingerterm background color


I want to change the background color on Fingerterm to white(or light gray) and foreground color to black. Any ideas how to do that? Where does it get the colors settings it using by default? I doubt those would be hardcoded on it..

  • brc

How to change Fingerterm background color


I want to change the background color on Fingerterm to white(or light gray) and foreground color to black. Any ideas how to do that? Where does it get the colors settings it using by default? I doubt those would be hardcoded on it..

  • brc