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initial version

posted 2015-05-26 14:06:03 +0200

Call divert symbol

Hello, I don't see this symbol on the screen when I have the line diverted to another number. Is this something that has been removed by a previous update or not working?

I have version installed.


Call divert symbol

Hello, I don't see this symbol on the screen when I have the line diverted to another number. Is this something that has been removed by a previous update or not working?

Does anyone have this when their line is diverted?

I have version installed.


Call divert symbol

Hello, I don't see this symbol on the screen when I have the line diverted to another number. Is this something that has been removed by a previous update or not working?

Does anyone have this when their line is diverted?

I have version installed.


Call divert symbol

Hello, I don't see this symbol on the screen when I have the line diverted to another number. Is this something that has been removed by a previous update or not working?

Does anyone have this when their line is diverted?

I have version installed.
