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posted 2015-06-19 11:37:47 +0200

[info only] Nokia plans to build new smartphones

In the German IT newsticker GOLEM (refering to the Manager-Magazin) there was a article today that Nokia plans to build new smartphones and looking for partners to produce them. Nokia also wants to license their brand. First phones are expected not before 2016. Until end of 2015 Microsoft owns the name rights for smartphone segment and until end of 2023 for all other phones.

http://www.golem.de/news/partnersuche-nokia-will-doch-wieder-smartphones-verkaufen-1506-114762.html http://www.manager-magazin.de/unternehmen/it/nokia-chef-suri-kuendigt-rueckkehr-ins-handygeschaeft-an-a-1039530.html

[info only] Nokia plans to build new smartphones

In the German IT newsticker GOLEM (refering to the Manager-Magazin) there was a article today that Nokia plans to build new smartphones and looking for partners to produce them. Nokia also wants to license their brand. First phones are expected not before 2016. Until end of 2015 Microsoft owns the name rights for smartphone segment and until end of 2023 for all other phones.

http://www.golem.de/news/partnersuche-nokia-will-doch-wieder-smartphones-verkaufen-1506-114762.html http://www.golem.de/news/partnersuche-nokia-will-doch-wieder-smartphones-verkaufen-1506-114762.html
